Do you need help fast regarding complex questions with everyday work?

We give you time and security for questions about export, import, export control, and preferences!

Obstacles to success

Complicated customs issues always come up at the worst possible time. In addition, special issues are not your core business.

After wasting priceless time searching the internet, you still have unanswered questions: Is this information legitimate? Is this solution appropriate under these conditions?

Do you know that feeling?
We do too – but not in customs and foreign trade.

Our offer to you

  • Helpdesk framework contracts
    We are always there for you as a reliable and flexible partner. You can take advantage of our advice at any time. We will gladly answer your questions and concerns so that you save time and money in the end.
  • Cooperation with consultants
    Do you regularly deal with customs issues even though this is not your area of expertise? Then we would be happy to work for you on a project basis or within a framework agreement.

Grenzlotsen advises in the areas of customs and foreign trade – our “border guards” help you with topics such as organizational development.

Do you already save time and money with clever outsourcing of special questions concerning customs?

We look forward to having a conversation with you.