Say goodbye to old data!

Whether customs tariff number, export control classification, weight, origin, tax rate, prohibitions, and restrictions...
We generate real quality data with experts and AI technology in our “Zollradar” (Customsradar).
Outsourcing of projects
to provide you time as well as security
Project management
so that everything goes according to your plan
Process design
for more efficiency and reliable quality
Quality check
according to DIN ISO 2859-1 for an objective view of your data

Why should you choose Grenzlotsen for your Master Data Project?

More than 1 million edited data records
More than 25 master data projects in the last 3 years
“Zollradar” (customs radar): our own AI software for master data
Experts and partners in tariff classification, classifying, and origin

Good master data is the foundation for digitization. When are you planning to begin?

We look forward to having a conversation with you.